Most of us often have to give up something to earn more than we have. Especially if we talk about our loved ones. But there are certain actions that will ruin your life and not strengthen your relationship. These actions do not allow you to be happy.

We will tell you things that a wise person will not do for their partner. You will find out why at the end of this article.

Change Your Appearance

You clearly like the way someone looks at first. We fall in love with an image and accept it as it is. And if you like the way you are, but decide to change your image or start running in the morning to meet your loved one’s expectations, ask yourself: Is this the person I want to be with?

Enduree Comparison

Sometimes both men and women compare their partners to ex-boyfriends, parents, and even neighbors and partners. Mark Twain said, “Comparison is the death of joy.” And scientists add that it also leads to depression.

A depressed person is not a person who is being compared but a person who compares (your partner). But you will also feel very bad after hearing “She earns more than you!” or “She cooks better!”

Allow Your Personality To Be Changed

It’s really tempting to change a person to be who you want to be, and we often try to do so. It is good if we help someone to get rid of a bad habit. But what if your partner doesn’t like your hobby or your character traits?

It’s important to understand whether it’s a trifle or not – in some cases, little things can be left out due to relationships, and sometimes your partner just overreacts. For instance:

If your loved one doesn’t like you playing drums on Sundays, you can find an alternative time or place to play.

But if your partner is totally against your hobby (or anything else), you should think about your relationship with that person in the future.

Always Do The Housekeeping Alone

It’s no secret that the days of people dividing household chores by gender are long gone. Modern men can cook well and most women can fix a faucet. That is why housework should be done by men and women.

You should not do or request household chores by gender. You and your partner can do it together: Scientific research shows that these couples are happier and their relationships are stronger.

A good sense of humor is essential for relationships, but the keyword is “good.” You shouldn’t put up with jokes that show disrespect. You don’t need to get used to it.

John Gottman, a professor who works with relationship analysis, concluded that excessive sarcasm is a leading cause of divorce.

Forget About Close People

People close to us are always ready to support us, whether we are single or not. Sometimes they also need our attention and your partner should understand. The emotions we receive from our family and friends differ from the emotions we receive from our loved ones.

These emotions are neither better nor worse, just different. And we need them to feel comfortable.

It’s nice to have a regular bank account, but you can also have a personal one. It is not a betrayal or greed, but an opportunity to be independent in a difficult situation that may arise. If you feel financially stable, you worry less about the trifles and pay more attention to your relationship.

Distrust Your Partner

Psychologists say that a good relationship cannot exist without trust. Your life becomes more colorful if you can relax and trust your partner. Try to remember some happy moments and times when you were just worried.

It is important to understand that the ability to trust depends on both of you. Our upbringing, bad experiences, and psychological trauma influence our ability, to be honest.

You can consult an expert if necessary. But if your distrust is caused by lies and irresponsibility, you must ask yourself: Am I ready to live like this?

Everyone has their own beliefs and views based on their personal experience and perception of the world. If you violate your principles, you deprive yourself of the opportunity to live your life to the fullest.

Reality must meet your expectations if you want to be happy. If your partner has different points of view, you cannot forbid them, but you should definitely not agree with them.

In conclusion, each decision should only be made if it does not deprive you both of happiness. Because unhappy people cannot build happy relationships.