In the movie The Wedding Planner, Jennifer Lopez’s character was a wedding planner who could predict exactly how long a certain wedding would last based solely on the music the bride and groom chose for their first dance.
Interestingly, in real life, wedding photographers also have their own divorce statistics, which they love to share with people who want to see the future of a relationship.
There are so many different stories about how a couple’s behavior during the marriage and some other incidents influenced the future destiny of their family. But photographers have the opportunity to observe the couples through their lenses for many hours.
Of course, they are not always experts when it comes to relationships. However, their experience is based on real events and can be very helpful.
We collected the most common observations from wedding photographers and compared them with the opinions of psychologists. Take a look at the curious trends we have observed.
Worrying Signs of Impending Divorce
Reluctance To Be Photographed

Photographers often do photoshoots with clients before the wedding. This is necessary in order to understand from what angles the couple is best seen and what exactly they want from their photos.
Sometimes one of the partners may feel shy in front of the camera. This is perfectly normal. These meetings are necessary to clarify these moments. However, there are many cases in which one of the bride and groom does not want to reach an agreement for the other and gets angry during the wedding itself, and refuses to participate in the shooting.
These people even threaten photographers. Photographers say these weddings only last a few months.
Psychologists feel that the ability to commit is the foundation of a long-term relationship. That is why the ability to discuss issues and strike a balance can prevent divorce.
Sarcastic Jokes

Many photographers try to avoid scene shots where a boyfriend or girlfriend looks bad. For example, one of them pulls the other’s hair and threatens them with a plate or something. Yes, these things can happen in family life.
But anyway, a wedding is a celebration where you want to capture the happy moments to look at the photos later and have positive emotions. Photographers add people who insist on those mounted photos to the potentially divorced list.
Cutting the cake occupies a special place. One member of the couple can throw a piece of cake in the other person’s face and the other person tries to get revenge. Such situations are considered worrisome signs by photographers.
The combination of factors such as criticism, contempt, resentment, and opposition is what psychologists call “the divorce recipe.”
Ridiculously Small Number Of Photos Of The Bride And The Fiancé Together
For some photographers, taking a photo of the newlyweds together is a big challenge. If there are many photos in which the groom is with his friends and the bride with hers, it is a worrying sign.
Of course, attention should be paid to the guests. But according to photographers, people who really love and respect each other should do this together.
Psychologists agree that spending time together, having some rituals or even responsibilities, especially in situations where it is clearly important to both of you, strengthens relationships. Opposite situations, on the other hand, lead to the end of a relationship.
Over-the-top Fixation On The Wedding Itself

Brides do this more often. When she is obsessed with the idea of a perfect wedding at any cost, she forgets that there is another member of the team: the groom. In these cases, the photographers have to photograph the bride in her 6 different dresses and the groom who is bored and tired because he has been forgotten.
Another really extreme situation is when one of the newlyweds tries to keep everything under his control. They get so stressed out that they can act very harshly on their soul mate. Photographers claim that these weddings last no more than 1 to 3 years.
Psychologists think that if someone is obsessed with the idea of a perfect marriage, marriage is a bad idea. You should always remember that the day of celebration will end and true family life will begin.
The Speeches

Photographers often manage to capture the moment when a girlfriend or boyfriend is giving a speech and a grimace of horror and shame appears on their faces. For example, one fiancé said that when he signed up on a dating site, he didn’t even expect to find a chef and a cleaning woman in one person.
Some people like to remember discussions that took place a long time ago. These things mean that the marriage will not survive for long.
According to the survey, couples in which both are valued are more likely to have a long and healthy relationship. And you should not estimate the value in numbers, but with sincere respect and gratitude.
Have you ever been to a wedding and noticed some things that could be considered a warning sign of a future divorce?
Preview photo credit kevinweddingplanner / instagram