If in the past wearing a beard was associated with mess and not combing your hair, today beards are quickly giving way to Olympus in the world of fashion. Today, the beard is considered an attribute of elegance and even elegance

. Don’t believe us? Take a look at your Instagram account to see a variety of handsome boys showing off”secondary sexual characteristics” on their faces.

We carefully analyzed all the studies related to beards and found one that will appease all your basic instincts in relation to bearded men.

According to Science Women Are More Attracted to Men With Beards
© Game of Thrones / HBO

Men who shave their faces spend an average of 3,350 hours of their lives in the bathroom, according to statistics. Perhaps that is why wearing a beard has become a great trend in recent years.

The good news is that not only does it save a man time, but it also attracts more women, leaving those beardless, clean-shaven guys in the dust.

According to Science Women Are More Attracted to Men With Beards

Surprisingly enough, women find bearded men more beautiful, increasing the chances that bearded men will find a lifelong romantic partner sooner.

Not to mention the fact that a beard helps men stand out from the crowd, dwarfing those who don’t have it in the dating group.

According to Science Women Are More Attracted to Men With Beards
© Maroon 5 / Youtube

Scientists from several Australian universities, as well as from the University of Turku in Finland, were interested in this trend and decided to find out how the beard influences women’s attitudes towards this male trait and to find out the reasons behind these preferences.

According to Science Women Are More Attracted to Men With Beards
© Legends of the Fall / TriStar Pictures

Approximately 8,500 women were invited to participate in the experiment and sets of photographs of the same men were shown: in each set, there was a photo of a shaven man, a photo showing the bearded man with a beard in the last photo.

Participants were asked to rate the attractiveness of these men and whether they would consider entering into a relationship (long or short term) with them.

According to Science Women Are More Attracted to Men With Beards

Most of the women noted that they thought bearded men were more handsome and wanted to have a long-term relationship with them, while shaven faces were chosen more for short-term relationships.

One possible explanation for this could be that the beard can be considered “a sign of intra-sexual formidability and the potential to provide direct benefits to women.”

In addition, the beard tends to soften the features considered very masculine or even feminine, making men more attractive.

According to Science Women Are More Attracted to Men With Beards
© Thor / Paramount Pictures

In general, beards are not just another fashion trend, but they are also a tool that balances the faces of men who look very masculine.

The beard adds more charm to those who are viewed as eternally serious because the beard shows that a person wants to relax and have fun.

And last but not least, the beard favors those who want to get into a serious game known as a long-term relationship.

According to Science Women Are More Attracted to Men With Beards
© The Hangover / Warner Bros. Pictures

So, if you are looking for a long-term stable relationship, it’s time to drop the razor and let your facial hair grow freely. After all, we are all subject to our basic instincts, aren’t we?

Let’s do our own experiment! What do you like the most: bearded or clean-shaven men?