It may seem like various dating apps have made meeting new people so much easier. Plus, you don’t even have to leave the house to see what options you have. However, it remains a challenge for many people to find “the one”.
Dominik Czernia, a Ph.D. candidate in condensed particle physics, knows the struggle of trying to find “the one,” so he decided to take a scientific approach to find the perfect match!
We wanted to know more about how science can help us find our perfect match. So this is what we found!
Math Might Help Solve Any Problem You Have
We often make decisions based on our feelings and emotions, and it may seem like the only way to do it when it comes to something like love and friendship. However, it turned out that even these concepts could benefit from the application of mathematics.
Omni Calculator is a Polish startup that can help you do just that. They created hundreds of custom calculators that can calculate almost anything, from when you need to sleep to wake up refreshed, how much weight you could lose playing Pokémon GO, to what personality you would have if you were a cat! And Dominik Czernia built a dating theory calculator for them.
There’s A Rule That Can Tell You When It’s Time To Settle Down
This calculator uses the ideal stopping rule. The rule tries to solve the problem of choosing the right moment to perform a certain action, in order to maximize an expected return or minimize an expected cost based on random variables.
This means that applied to dating, it would help you discover if the person you are currently with is a perfect fit for you or if you should keep looking for a better partner.
You Can Increase Your Chances Of Ending Up With The Right Person
According to this rule, of the total number of possible meetings in which you will participate, you must reject the first 37% of them. For example, if you plan to date 35 people in your entire life, you should reject the first 12.
The next step is to choose the next person who is better than anyone you have ever met. This approach will give you a better chance of finding the right person for you.
The calculator has a few more variables to make the results more useful for real life situations. You can enter how many months or years you want to find an ideal partner, how many dates you will go to, if you want the best partner for you or if you will be satisfied with one of the top 5 or 10 partners, how many dates you would be willing to turn down and the chances that even reject it.
Listen To Your Intuition, And Don’t Lose Hope
Of course, there is no way to know the exact number of dates you will have in your life. However, the purpose of this calculator is to encourage people not to give up soon.
Research has shown that when people make decisions, they tend to stop earlier than expected by the ideal stopping rule.
This could mean settling for a less qualified candidate at a job interview or paying more for a product that we might find at a cheaper price if we keep looking.
However, this calculator is not 100% accurate, even if there was a way to know how many people you will date in your life. It is entirely possible that you meet your soulmate on the first date.
And if you followed the advice of the calculator, you’d be rejecting them, and each subsequent candidate would not be as good as the first.
So, ultimately, it is important to listen to what your heart tells you, but also not to lose hope if you have been looking for the right person for a long time and you have not found them yet.
Do you think this calculator is useful? Are you still looking for “it”? If you’ve already found the right person, would you say the predictions are correct?