We often waste our free time browsing social media, chatting with friends, or posting another photo on Instagram. But here is something more useful.
Today, We invite you to read our list of sites that can help increase our mental abilities. Let’s bring something new to our lives!
Free Rice is a website that donates rice grains for multiple-choice questions answered correctly. The site offers a wide range of subjects to test your knowledge from humanities to science. For each correct answer, Free Rice provides 10 grains of rice. You can play in a group or individually.
Coursera is an educational platform that offers online courses from the best universities and organizations in the world.

Udemy is a market for knowledge. More than 10 million students use it today and there are more than 40,000 courses.

Lumosity is a website to improve your intellectual skills. It sounds simple, but Lumosity has its own characteristic: it creates individual “exercises” for each person. It’s worth spending some time on!
Memorado is a free application for smartphones called “Brain Training Games”. It contains many levels: 600 are presented as a variety of different puzzles. (iOS / Android)
Duolingo is a free platform for learning crowdsourcing languages and translations. Users learn new things, gain knowledge, and later help translate websites, articles, and other documents.

Brainexer is a website with lots of tests and exercises to improve your memory, count skills, attention, and intelligence.
Memrise is a unique online platform that uses the latest techniques to work with memory to help people get and remember information faster and more efficiently.
Project Gutenberg is an electronic library containing various works of world literature.
Curious is a website created for students, teachers, and talented people from all over the world who want to share their knowledge and skills and even be rewarded for their work.
Open Culture is an educational and cultural content site that you can easily get and use for free.

CogniFit Brain Fitness is an app in which neuroscience and gamification come together for gray matter exercises. According to the developers of the app, using the app for at least 20 minutes 2-3 times a week can really improve your cognitive skills. (iOS/Android)
Fit Brains Trainer is a language-learning app. This program requires only a few minutes of play to strengthen your brain. (iOS / Android)
TED-ED is a website for teachers and students that contains interesting educational videos of less than 10 minutes in length.

Zooniverse is an online platform that allows you to participate in multi-functional scientific projects.
How Stuff Works is a comprehensive website, with a multitude of topics, that explains how things really work and turn those topics into understandable articles.
Unplug the TV is a website that offers a lot of fun and educational videos. The simple format invites you to switch to a new video with one click or search for archived data.
This American Life is a radio show that discusses a specific topic whenever ordinary people share their personal stories and opinions. It can be heard via podcast, mobile apps, or, if you prefer outdated devices, on the radio.
EIDETIC is an app for people whose memory skills are a little unstable. The repetition method of this application will help you memorize anything. (iOS / Android)
Answerbag.com is a site for curious users who “just can’t remember how lifting power works” or “I guess who was the best basketball player of the 1980s.” Answerbag has a very simple format and you will definitely find the correct answer.
Were these links helpful? Let’s expand our knowledge together: share your useful sites!