There are many reasons why some people ask deeply personal questions to which they expect an answer. One reason is that they feel hostile towards you and want to push you against the wall.
However, sometimes people don’t realize that what they’re asking for can make you uncomfortable. Therefore, it is up to you to let them know that you are not answering their questions at all.
We wants to share 5 methods that can keep nosy people out of your business.
Turn Your Answer Into A Parallel Question

Questions about your marital status or personal life are often not only intrusive but also insulting. Instead of getting defensive and starting a passive-aggressive conversation, you can simply ask a side question.
You shouldn’t feel the need to defend your personal choices to people who are simply nosy. A secondary question will divert their attention and they may find that their life decisions were not as good as they thought.
Be Direct And Straightforward, Even If That Makes You Rude

Responding in a very light tone may be considered rude by some people, but it is a way to show your true feelings. So if you think the other person is crossing the line, tell them it’s none of their business.
Be confident in your manners and the other person will definitely understand that you have to drop the topic of the conversation. That way, they will probably learn never to ask personal questions in the future.
Ask Them Why It’s So Important For Them To Know

An unpleasant question may come from someone who cares or wants to know about your personal experience. Asking them why they want to know something specific about you will reveal their true intentions.
You don’t need to be aggressive or suspicious unless they give you a clear signal that they are being nosy. Keep your voice light and friendly, as you don’t want the other person to get defensive or insulted if their intentions are genuine.
Reframe The Question

This is a way of creating a “bridge” between an awkward question and a more comfortable discussion area. Basically, you steer the conversation to a point that is okay to talk about.
And that’s perfectly logical if you’re not ready to talk to other people about your thoughts and feelings on a particular topic.
Not only can you avoid responding directly, but you can also create a different topic that could lead you to another topic to talk about.
Give A Piece Of Advice Instead Of A Direct Answer

Talking about your recent breakup can be very difficult and emotional, but curious people will continue to question you about it. You can jump out of the difficult position by offering some personal tips that have helped you get through the painful moment.
That way, you don’t need to go into too much detail about your relationship, but instead, create a more generic conversation. Other people can step in and share their own advice and experiences that have helped them in similar situations.
Have you ever heard a deeply personal question? If so, what method did you use to get out of the awkward situation?