Many parents have experienced that unpleasant situation when they realize that their children’s behavior has changed, but they cannot understand where the problem came from.
We have found some answers that every parent can learn something from.
10. If your child is secretive ell and lacks trust, it might be because of your excessive irritability.
9. If your child is overly shy and indecisive, maybe it’s because you try to help him with things he could cope with on his own.
8. If you buy her everything she wants, but she always takes other kids’ toys, it means you don’t give her the right to choose.
7. If your child often shows envy and jealousy, it might be because you compare her too often with someone else.
6. If a child is rude, it might be because they’re following the example of their parents or a family member.
5. If a child is irritable and bad-tempered, it might be due to a lack of attention. She simply doesn’t know how else to be noticed.
4. If your child lies to you, it might be because you reacted too harshly to their previous mistake.
3. If your child doesn’t respect others, it might be because you tell her what to do without acknowledging her feelings.
2. If your child can’t stand up for themselves in difficult situations, it could be because you told him off in front of others. You should never do this, even in front of his siblings.
1. Here’s why it’s so important to affirm a child’s uniqueness and consider their wishes.