The Beatles sang the song “All you need is love.” But in reality, fights, alone time, and disagreements are what really give relationships strength and character.
Although you may feel hurt and begin to doubt your partner after your first argument, psychologists tell us that these tests allow couples to get to know each other better and ultimately grow stronger.
We analyze the behavior of couples who are considered strange or even romantic breakers, but psychology actually says otherwise.
Signs You Have a Healthy Relationship
You Use “We” Instead Of “I”

“We are in love.” “We are pregnant.” Constantly referring to yourselves in the plural may seem a bit strange to others, but it takes a minimum of 2 people to be in a relationship, and psychology tells us that using “we” concretizes the fact that you and your partner now have each other’s backs in the relationship.
According to one study, couples who frequently used the pronouns “I” or “me” in conversations were observed in a distant and troubled relationship.
On the other hand, the use of “we” and “us” has been associated with empathy and humility. The use of plural pronouns refers to 2 people as a couple and not as separate people doing their thing.
You Stay You Amidst The “us.”

Although there are “we” and “us” in a relationship, a prosperous relationship is one in which 2 people identify as a couple, but maintain their own identity to remain as they are.
Individual experiences allow you to grow and reflect on your personal life, which can also benefit your relationship and the connection you have with your spouse or partner.
Regardless of the new and different roles, you take on in your life, you are still an individual. In order for you and your partner to maintain your identities, you must respect each other’s boundaries, be patient, and communicate constantly.
This means giving yourself time and space, not just together, but also separately.
You Question Each Other

Do you still ask your loved ones how they are doing, where they are going, or who they are dating? What may seem like “prying into someone’s life” is actually showing that you care, which helps strengthen your relationship and love, while keeping romance and intimacy alive.
According to a relationship counselor, loneliness and neglect can come from stress at work, taken for granted, and a lot of time spent in front of screens.
A recommended way to avoid disconnection is to “check in” with your partner by asking specific questions about how they are feeling, what they need, and if there are any conflicts that need to be resolved.
You Agree To Disagree

Conflicts are natural in any relationship, and even necessary to maintain a healthy relationship. Disagreeing on certain topics shows that they are 2 different people with different points of view, but they still manage to be together and find reasons to love each other.
You may have your own opinions as different people, but you also need to remember that you are a couple. According to an expert, the key here is to listen to each other without judging each other and decide the compromises together.
At the end of the day, “working together to find new ways to connect and enjoy each other is what it means to have a healthy relationship.”
You Openly Talk About Bad Relationship Experiences

Should you talk about your past relationships and separations with your partner or spouse? According to psychologists, yes, you should, but only about the positive things, you have learned from negative experiences.
Studies have found that not all breakups are depressing because as a person who has experienced the loss of love, you can learn and evolve from it, becoming a better person.
If you’ve had prior trauma in previous years, these are topics you can also bring up so that you can be better understood. Talking about the past and sharing your secrets not only shows that you trust your partner, but it is also a gesture that shows them they can trust and open up to you too.
It is important to remember that trust is one of the essential factors in a healthy relationship.
What are the other relationship taboos that you think really make a relationship healthy?