Carl Jung once said: “The meeting of 2 personalities is like the contact of 2 chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed”. That’s why we see people who are in a relationship doing things they’ve never done before because they know their partner will be happy.

They go to great lengths to keep each other’s love burning and this is due to their unconditional bond. We want you to remember that relationships are two-way streets and both partners need to be aware of each other.

“I learned how to braid my girlfriend’s hair. This is my best French braid to date.”

8 People Who Know the Secret to Keep Their Partners Happy
© sepbaz / reddit

 “I proposed to my boyfriend on the bridge of the Enterprise, he said yes and I couldn’t be happier.”

8 People Who Know the Secret to Keep Their Partners Happy
© capricajo / reddit

“Mom came home after 8 weeks stuck in India. Here’s Dad, the least romantic man in the world, waiting.”

8 People Who Know the Secret to Keep Their Partners Happy
© nizza212 / reddit

“I got my girlfriend a surprise encounter with a red panda. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen her so happy.”

8 People Who Know the Secret to Keep Their Partners Happy
© MasterOfPizzuh / reddit

“My girlfriend has written me a note every day for 3 years.”

8 People Who Know the Secret to Keep Their Partners Happy
© bobbyt85 / reddit

“28 roses. One for each year of marriage. Love my romantic honey bun.”

© Doss95 / reddit

“Made my girlfriend a koala cake for her birthday.”

8 People Who Know the Secret to Keep Their Partners Happy
© ArkySpark13110 / reddit

“Today my girlfriend surprised me after work.”

© Apokk / reddit

What is the nicest thing your partner has done for you and what is the most adorable thing you’ve done for them? And what were the reactions like?

Preview photo credit biboibrown / reddit