The words we say to loved ones in the heat of the moment or due to fatigue can be dangerous, making a life together extremely tense or unbearable. Sometimes they just lead to a breakup.

We collected 6 phrases that are best left unsaid because they are disastrous for a relationship. It is better to bite your tongue than to regret your words.

Phrases That Devalue Your Partner’s Feelings

7 Phrases That Can Destroy Even the Happiest Union
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When we say phrases like “Oh, that’s nonsense!” Or “Don’t worry so much about work!” or “How much longer can you worry about this?” We do not comfort or reassure our partners, but we devalue their feelings.

Our partner is unlikely to open up to us if we reject their feelings or find them ridiculous. They will feel loneliness and resentment, and this will undermine the relationship. Instead, try to understand what causes your partner’s feelings.

Phrases That Speak Of Indifference

If one or both members of the couple have lost interest in how the other is behaving, it means that the couple is on the way to a breakup. Don’t use words that express indifference. Listen to yourself and discuss how you feel with your partner.

“Comparing” Phrases

Never compare your partner to other people’s husbands or wives if the comparison doesn’t work in your favor. Instead of setting an example for someone else, focus on the positives – the good your partner brings to your life.

Phrases With Generalizations

7 Phrases That Can Destroy Even the Happiest Union
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Try to avoid phrases that contain generalizations like “always”, “never” and “constantly”. Using these words, you blame your partner for the problems of yesterday, today, and tomorrow.

It is much more effective to focus on the present and seek a solution together, and also to put aside the accusatory position. Talk about your feelings. This helps your partner listen and understand you.

Words That Destroy Your Partner’s Self-esteem

7 Phrases That Can Destroy Even the Happiest Union
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All people, without exception, need stable self-esteem, and words that degrade it are traumatic for everyone.

If you use phrases like  “You call yourself a man?“ or ”Who’s going to want you?” Or “No one but me is going to need you!” Sooner or later, your partner will go to someone who loves and values ​​them, someone, who admires them. Is that the goal you are pursuing?

Phrases With Breakup Threats

7 Phrases That Can Destroy Even the Happiest Union
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“I want a divorce.“ ”I want to get away from you.” “I’m going back to my mother’s.” If you do not have the firm intention of divorcing or separating, never say those words. And in general, don’t be too quick to utter a phrase that is out of alignment with your true feelings and desires.

First of all, it is a manipulation aimed at getting something from your partner. Second, it can lead your union to consequences you are not prepared for.

Phrases Expressing Regret That You Met Or Got Married

7 Phrases That Can Destroy Even the Happiest Union
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Few words match the destructive power of the phrase “It would be better if we never met!” The meaning of such phrases is that your partner is guilty of all the bad things that happened after they met. And the bad memories in your perception far outweigh the good ones.

Don’t let those hurtful words come out. It is better to ask what your share of responsibility is for what is happening in the relationship. What is your personal contribution to the lack of joy and harmony in the relationship?