I’ve been there. You may have been there, too. You’re striving to meet your goals, but all of a sudden it feels like you’re falling behind and getting nowhere fast. The feeling of being stuck can be overwhelming, especially if you’re not sure why things aren’t progressing as quickly as they should be or what else could be causing this issue in the first place.

Fortunately for us, self-sabotage isn’t just going to go away on its own (if only!). If you want to get ahead and reach your potential then don’t worry—we’ve got some tips that will help you avoid sabotaging yourself so much in the first place!

Self-sabotage Holding you Back

Self-sabotage holding you back

We all know that self-sabotage is a way to avoid taking risks, but what are some of the ways it manifests itself in our lives?

You might be afraid of failure. If you’re afraid of making mistakes and getting rejected by others, then it’s easier for you to stay in your comfort zone and not try something new.

This can lead to stagnation in your career path or other aspects of life—and ultimately makes it harder for anyone who knows how talented and capable they are!

You might be afraid of success. The same thing goes here: if someone has been successful at something before (like writing a book), they’ll probably have some fear about repeating this success again because they’ve already seen what happens when someone does exactly as expected (i.e., failure).

So instead of taking risks on projects or ideas that haven’t been tried yet—even though these may seem risky at first glance—people tend not to take these steps forward because their minds tell them “no” without even realizing it!

The Psychology of Self Sabotage

Self-sabotage is a way of dealing with anxiety and fear. It can be a way to avoid taking risks, it can be a way to avoid being vulnerable, and it can be a way to avoid feeling like you aren’t good enough.

The psychology behind self-sabotage is complex because your brain does not want you to fail at anything—even though that would mean learning something new! Your brain wants you to succeed so badly that it will do everything within its power (including sabotaging itself) in order for this goal to happen.

How to Avoid Self-Sabotage

Self-sabotage is a common behavior. We all do it, and we don’t even realize it. If you’ve ever had an embarrassing moment or made a mistake that you regretted later on, then you know what it feels like to be self-sabotaged.

Self-sabotage happens when your negative thoughts about yourself get in the way of achieving success. These negative thoughts can be anything from “I’ll never be good enough” to “I’m not smart enough.”

When these negative thoughts run rampant in your head, it’s easy for them to cloud your judgment and make decisions that lead only toward failure rather than success.

Here are five ways I’ve found myself sabotaging myself:



  • Be kind to yourself.
  • Eat healthy foods and drink lots of water.
  • Exercise regularly and sleep well, if possible.


Self-sabotage is a normal part of being human, and it’s something we all have to deal with. But the good news is that there are ways to avoid those self-sabotaging habits and make sure they don’t derail your life. The first step is acknowledging when you are sabotaging yourself—and then figuring out why!