Youth is a time of tremendous energy and spontaneous actions. It is a period in which time passes very slowly and it seems that everything is yet to come and life will be eternal.

We used to say to ourselves, ‘I’m still young. I still have time to travel, learn foreign languages, find someone special … ‘But we often find that time passes faster than we think.

So don’t waste time dreaming about your life, live your dreams! Today we share a list of great things you should try today, without waiting for the ‘right time’.

11. Watch The Sunrise In An Unusual Place

11 Things You Should Do While You’re Still Young

Whether it’s Troll Tongue in Norway, a small island in the ocean, or the roof of a tall building in your hometown, anywhere will do.

Just get out of bed under the gentle rays of the morning sun and don’t forget to make a wish as you watch the new day begin.

10. Take A Trip

11 Things You Should Do While You’re Still Young

They say that people who spend money on travel, instead of clothes and useless things, are much happier. Sometimes even a short trip to a neighboring city can open up a new world for you, let alone visit foreign countries!

9. Find Time For Your Younger Brother Or Sister

Older brothers and sisters always have a lot to do, but they will never regret the time they spent with their younger brothers. They grow very quickly and you may find that you have a lot in common.

8. Don’t Dream About Kitesurfing! Do It!

Do you like to play the violin or dance hip-hop? Or maybe you’ve read everything there is to know about skateboarding or kitesurfing? If so, it is definitely time to move from theory to practice!

7. Realize Your Childhood Dream

11 Things You Should Do While You’re Still Young

Childhood dreams have no limits! We imagine ourselves in a variety of settings and want to become an astronaut or a firefighter. So what is stopping us from making our dreams come true?

6. Show Your Creativity

11 Things You Should Do While You’re Still Young

Add more color and excitement to your boring days. Get creative anywhere – at home, at work, or at play. Even a regular walk in your neighborhood can turn into a fascinating adventure.

5. Hang Out With Your Friends Around The Campfire. And No Gadgets Allowed!

Modern technology offers many ways to socialize. Social media discussions, online conferencing, and Skype chats can help you stay in touch with your close friends.

But spending an evening around the campfire telling stories from the old days will be a much more memorable experience.

4. Talk To Your Granny

You are wrong if you think that your grandmother is just a culinary expert. Our grandmothers have many secrets, and having a frank conversation with your grandmother can be more effective than expensive psychiatric counseling sessions.

3. Observe Natural Phenomena Not Only Via The Internet

11 Things You Should Do While You’re Still Young

Even the most advanced display cannot convey the true beauty of nature. Slow down, feel the wind, smell the air. Listen to the birds and watch the sky.

2. Join A Dance Club

11 Things You Should Do While You’re Still Young

When you have a rhythm inside you, nothing prevents you from dancing … not even a few extra pounds! The dance has no age, size, or body shape restrictions. Just dance with all your heart and feel the freedom.

1. Remember, The Whole World Is Open To You!

Sometimes life puts us through a tough test, but it is also full of happy and memorable moments. When you are young, the whole world is open to you! Don’t forget that.

Preview photo credit Jay Alvarrez