Keeping the spark alive between couples can sometimes be a lot of work. But it helps to have a creative partner with a sense of humor. And that’s exactly what the wives and husbands on this list show, who have added an extra ray of sunshine to their spouse’s day by making sweet gestures or funny pranks.
We put together this set of photos showing how many smiles and laughter can fan the flames of love.
“I’m lucky to have a husband that keeps me laughing basically every moment we’re together.”

“I let my husband decorate the bathroom.”

“Our first family Halloween costume: our baby is a taco, my husband is the fire sauce, and I’m the toilet paper for after.”

“My husband Ian insisted that our new puppy Nala get her own stocking. I thought it was sweet until I realized he had ulterior motives.”

“Married 17 years. Found this packed in my lunch box today. I guess my wife wins.”

“I asked my partner for a Q-tip (cotton swab). I was literally dying laughing!”

“My friend finished wrapping his wife’s presents. The left one is a perfume, and the right one is a sweater.”

“My husband started seventeenth grade (his master’s program) on the same day my daughter started fifth grade.”

What was the sweetest thing your partner ever did for you? Do you make each other laugh too? Share your stories with us in the comment section.
Preview photo credit mowa111 / Reddit