Some personal characteristics or abilities that are considered useless or negative can actually identify a person’s high level of brain activity. At least scientists think so. What are these features and skills? How do they make us better?

We decided to study the subject and listed some signs that experts say indicate extraordinary intelligence.

You Are Left-handed (Or Ambidextrous)

7 Signs of True Intelligence That Can’t Be Forged

In her 1995 review, The New Yorker journalist Maria Konnikova described an experiment that was carried out among a group of left and right-handed people:

“Lefties were more adept, for example, at combining two common objects in new ways to form a third, for example, using a stick and a can to make an aviary. They also excelled at grouping word lists into as many alternative categories as possible. “

Scientists connect lefties with “divergent thinking,” a form of creativity that helps generate new ideas. The same can be said of ambidextrous people, those who have also developed manual activity.

So if you are right handed, try doing some actions with your left hand and vice versa. These actions activate undeveloped areas of the brain.

You Are Often Worried About Even The Smallest Things

7 Signs of True Intelligence That Can’t Be Forged

During one study, scientists asked 126 elementary school students to fill out questionnaires about how often they were worried about something, paid attention to rumors, or thought of situations that bothered them.

It appears that children who cared more than the others scored more on the following non-verbal intelligence test. Scientists associate this with the fact that those who are always worried tend to do their jobs better.

You Love Joking

Another interesting study took place at the University of New Mexico. 400 students took tests of their abilities to discuss certain topics. After passing the tests, the students were invited to caption some cartoon images.

These subtitles were reviewed by independent reviewers. It seemed that 86% of the smartest students who scored the most points on the test chose humorous captions for the photos.

Subsequently, the same survey was conducted with comedians, and they all obtained above-average results on the verbal intelligence test.

Why are we telling you this? According to scientists, humor affects intellectual abilities, keeps the brain and nervous system in good shape and makes us smarter.

You’re Too Curious

7 Signs of True Intelligence That Can’t Be Forged

Scientists at the London University of Psychology said: “A curious child, as opposed to one who simply learns by heart, is more likely to become an innovator in his lifetime.”

Harvard Business Review Professor Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic explains how curiosity and a “hungry mind” make us smarter. He says: “Curiosity makes a child more interested in science and art as a means of cognition and self-expression.”

In a British study, scientists looked at 6,000 people who were born in the past 50 years. They found that 11-year-olds who scored higher on an IQ test seemed more curious and open to new experiences in the future.

You Are A Night Owl

7 Signs of True Intelligence That Can’t Be Forged

If you are a night owl, your intelligence level is more likely to be above average. Scientists assume this is due to the fact that brain activity is so high that it defies the regular daily biorhythm.

In a study published by the journal Personality and Individual Differences, the connection between a child’s intelligence and sleep habits was studied in thousands of young people.

It turned out that most smart people love to get up later on weekdays and weekends. Another similar survey studied 400 US Air Force recruits and resulted in similar conclusions.

You Are Very Impressionable Or Easily Distracted

7 Signs of True Intelligence That Can’t Be Forged

If you are often distracted by notifications from social media, tea breaks, or even conversations, you may be smarter than others. At least the scientists say so.

According to a new study, the harder it is for a person to stay focused, the smarter they are. Scientists explain that this is due to the fact that it is difficult to keep high levels of brain activity under control.

You Walk A Lot

7 Signs of True Intelligence That Can’t Be Forged

American scientists have conducted a statistical study and found that people living in pedestrian-oriented cities have higher intelligence rates than those living in cities where transportation prevails.

The same results were obtained after investigating pedestrian neighborhoods in large cities.

Does it have any of these characteristics? Share with us in the comments.