Most of us can agree that we have that one friend who is always getting on our nerves, or that we know someone who is toxic and brings stress and pressure into our lives, and yet we become friends with them for some reason. . However, in an uncomfortable scenario, the red flags are those that present a pattern that others can easily recognize and identify.
We’ve compiled a list of tips to help you determine if someone you thought was a friend is toxic, and we’ve got 5 friendship red flags for you to know about. Take note, we have an extra part at the end.
Understanding The Two Sides Is Almost Non-existent

If you know someone who is constantly out when you need them and only shows up when you need them, this could be a red flag. Having one-sided feelings or worries is more common than you think, but that doesn’t mean that everyone who is like this is a red flag. As long as that person is not concerned about your needs, it is best to act.
Not because they like you or anything, but because they want to get something from you. In a typical life scenario, your friend has a problem and has invited you to dinner; It’s been like this for a few months, just to tell you about their problems, and when it’s your chance to release something, they’ve vanished into thin air.
A healthy relationship should work both ways. This applies to all types, and it shouldn’t just be one person working on or creating a way to make it happen. It must be balanced so that men and women can have a harmonious journey.
Not Even Boundaries Could Stop Them

We are all aware that boundaries are something that people should respect, not only for the good of a relationship but also to show others that you recognize their areas. On the other hand, truly toxic people know no private space.
If that individual is aware that doing so will annoy or harm you in some way and still continues to do so, they are someone who does not care in the first place.
This person could be doing this for a variety of reasons, such as believing they are in competition with you and therefore need to do something that will absolutely catch you off guard or just want to hurt your feelings. If you tell them this is wrong, they may even make you look like a bad person.
For example, a group of women is your friends and they are really competitive in every way, but it has become a habit for them to talk badly about everyone, including you.
Even though they are friends, this group of women still continues to trash talk you and disrespect your privacy, which is a huge red flag and too obvious to ignore.
It’s All About Them And Only Them

People who have symptoms are constantly in the spotlight. They do everything for themselves and tell stories about their lives, but what about you? These people even tease people about their lives and how they should live them, making comments about their bodies and lifestyles without considering their feelings.
They kept telling you to do this and that, to eat this and that, but after a while, it gets tired, because talking to them is like the reverse effect of drinking coffee, because they take away your vitality.
Not only do you feel bad about your newly acquired purse, jewelry, or a new lifestyle, but you also feel bad and upset with yourself.
Now it is difficult to open up and we become insecure, which affects us in our day-to-day. This is a sign to move away as soon as possible to protect your inner peace and learn to love yourself even in advance.
In a group of women your friends bragged all day and all night, all their stories are only theirs, and they never invited you to share anything.
It’s Like Being On A Rollercoaster, But You’re Stuck At The Bottom

As stated above, this cold-hearted person goes to great lengths so that they are always on top of their game. On the other hand, you are stuck at the bottom, unable to move. Sometimes people adapt to be accepted by the people around them, but it can be hard to just be yourself.
As you move on with this person, your mental and physical health deteriorates; everything about you feels weird when you’re around them. It will hurt, and some people are lucky enough to be able to walk away from this person, but others are not; some will develop a new personality against their will, but they do so to impress others.
These new habits are bad if you’re doing something you’re not comfortable with and you know is wrong. But still, because of the insensitive judgments and comments, it’s hard to be yourself, especially if you’re surrounded by people who don’t care what they say.
For example, you are with some women who are your friends, but because you dress differently, they talk about it until it becomes a habit to please them, which is not healthy.
Do you have a story comparable to this? Do you know someone who is like this and how do you treat them? Tell us in the comments.
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