It turns out there is a group of data scientists studying love on Facebook. Thanks to their research, artificial intelligence is able to predict when you will start a love relationship better than a psychologist.

We collecte some interesting conclusions and clues that allow us to discover what are the relationships that connect two common users of a social network.

Facebook Knows When You’re Falling in Love

7. Facebook Studies Love By Analyzing Other Couples

Facebook Knows When You Fall In Love, And That's Pretty Creepy
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Not all users publicly observe the status of their relationship. But that doesn’t mean Facebook doesn’t know what connects them.

The team studies the behavior of those who have already indicated the status of their relationship and finds similarities in other pairs of people.

If Facebook assumes that you and someone else are great friends or lovers:

  • you will start seeing more news from that person on your news feed;
  • this user will appear higher in your chat bar;
  • the website will invite you to make an appointment to organize a birthday party for that person;
  • the site sometimes reminds you of what brings you together and offers to share shared memories on your timeline.

6. Facebook Reads What People In Love Write

About 100 days before changing their status to “In a relationship”, users are more likely to use the words “love,” sweet “and” happy “in messages and post something on their crushes walls an average of 2 posts per 12 days. When they post something, they usually get positive news.

5. Facebook Knows The Month When You Will Meet New Acquaintances

Facebook Knows When You Fall In Love, And That's Pretty Creepy
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Every year in August, users add new friends, most of them living in other countries.

This trend is easily explained: it is in August that most users go on vacation.

And of course, when they are out of their usual surroundings, people are more likely to make new friends.

4. Facebook Knows When It Is Love

Suppose you are over 23 years old and have decided to change your status to “In a relationship.”

It turns out that if both users stay in that state for more than 3 months, the probability that they will be together for 4 years or more is high.

The longer the couple is together, the less likely a separation will be. This makes sense, but here it is supported with data.

3. Facebook Knows When People Argue More

Most couples on Facebook break up between May and July and in February.

There is a theory that this has to do with Valentine’s Day, an unhappy New Year, and the next summer vacation you want to spend without further discussion.

2. Facebook Predicts Pre-breakup Behavior

About a week before the relationship ends, the user begins to communicate more actively with friends and family: exchanging messages and leaving comments on posts.

On the day of separation, the number of interactions with other users increases by 225%: this is support from friends and relatives rolling in.

1. Facebook Is Sure That Love Prolongs The Life

Facebook Knows When You Fall In Love, And That's Pretty Creepy
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People who use Facebook to communicate with loved ones live longer than those who are limited to just live communication.

It is not only about direct communication when there is no opportunity to meet in person, but also about encouragement, support, attention, and the opportunity to feel your worth in the life of other people that come from this.