Scientists say new parents can’t expect a good night’s sleep before their child is 6 years old. And while the birth of a baby is a joyful event, all moms and dads are real-life superheroes who make parenthood feel like a walk in the park.

We believe that these 8 comics from Maya and Yehuda Devir perfectly showcase all the feats parents perform on a daily basis and add a dash of humor to them.


© jude_devir / instagram


© jude_devir / instagram


© jude_devir / instagram


© jude_devir / instagram


© jude_devir / instagram


© jude_devir / instagram


© jude_devir / instagram


© jude_devir / instagram

What situations from these comics can you relate to? What were some of the funniest things your kids have done?

“One of those days” Creators: Maya & Yehuda Devir

Preview photo credit jude_devir / instagramjude_devir / instagram