Just a photograph of a couple can reveal a lot about their relationship or the behavior of a couple and can sometimes even predict their future.
This is exactly what Dr. Lillian Glass believes. She is the author of the documentary Body Language Decoded and the bestseller He Says She Says.
You don’t have to be a master of psychology to figure it out for yourself. We will tell you what details to pay attention to if you want to become a body language pro.
8. Holding Hands

If the bodies of both partners are facing each other and their hands are intertwined, this indicates their eagerness to be closer to each other.
In fact, hand-to-hand contact reveals a deep connection between them. If you see these body cues, make sure these people have a very close emotional connection.
7. “He’s mine” Gesture

A hand placed on a partner’s torso or chest suggests feelings of possessiveness. As a general rule, it is mainly women who use this type of gesture. Their whole body says, “He is mine.” This is a subtle message for any romantic rival out there.
6. Mutual Care

If a woman’s body is in front of her partner, it means that she wants to be as close to him as possible. The man is next to her with his hand on her waist.
Pay close attention to the hands and the lightness with which they are placed. He doesn’t try to control her and she can’t resist him.
These are the signs of mutual care and a good sexual relationship.
5. Strong Connection

They got used to doing everything together a long time ago. They know each other very well and are very comfortable with it.
The position of their legs and body says exactly this. The clasped hands show that the couple has a strong and deep connection.
In such couples, there is always a leader and a follower. Whoever puts their hand on it usually dominates.
4. Owner

When a man holds a woman very firmly by the forearm, this sign indicates that he “owns” her. He shows it, controls it, and tries to keep it close.
Does she like it? Of course she doesn’t. Her hips swing to the side and her hands are crossed. She is not comfortable with it.
3. Like-Minded

You have all seen the pose in which a woman is sitting on her partner’s lap. It is the most vivid sign of good sex life. It can also mean that she depends on him, mainly because she wants it to be this way.
Relaxed hands and an intimately bowed head indicate 2 people who think the same way they trust each other.
2. Who’s the Boss?

Remember that having your hands in your pocket almost always means you are feeling anxious and a bit embarrassed. If a man does this, it means that he is not the leader of a couple.
Now, look at the woman. She is standing in front of the man and smiling. Her legs are positioned to take up more space. This body language shows us a confident person. She is the head of this couple.
1. Popular People

People who like to be in sight have a specific body posture and are very confident. The man holds the woman firmly and she knows how to stand up to look beautiful.
Although it may be a public display or a sign of a newly formed relationship, they are still perfect for each other.
As you can see, subtle signs of body language sometimes speak louder than words. Do you recognize yourself in any of these positions?
Look at your own photos and decide what body language is typical of your partner. Share your ideas and real-life examples in the comments.
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