Can’t feel alive without a cup of coffee?  Do you always try to fight fatigue with energy drinks? Trying to stay awake before falling can become a vicious cycle, but you can break it by using more creative ways to keep your brain sharp and alert.

For example, we bet you never thought that forcing yourself to yawn could actually wake you up in seconds. If you are willing to quit your caffeine addiction, read on.

We decided to share 5 first-hand tips that help our team keep their energy levels high and don’t require the use of illegal substances or unlimited coffee intake. So get ready to go!

Tip # 1: Bite a Lemon

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Like it or not, the zesty taste will undoubtedly provide a slap-in-the-face effect that you desperately need in narcolepsy cases.

Tip # 2: Splash Cold Water on Your Face

When your eyelids start to get heavy, take a few handfuls of cold water and splash them on your face. This is a great trick to wake up and maintain energy in an instant.

Another way is to keep an ice pack in the freezer. Whenever you feel a little sluggish, put it on the back of your neck.

Tip # 3: Yawn By Force

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Yawning is a natural way to cool our brains. When we are tired or bored, our brain temperature rises, so yawning is one way to counteract these effects.

You may want to do this naturally several times, but then do 7-10 forced reps. This will definitely leave your brain confused and awake.

Tip # 2: Chew Something

Keep your mouth busy chewing on something with a strong mint flavor. The stronger the better, because the effectiveness of this trick can be miraculous in waking you up.

If you are about to lose control, consider buying a menthol bar; They are so strong that they help the actors to fake tears.

However, if you’re hungry after all and decide to have a snack (like a salad or sandwich), order it without raw onion, as the onion is a natural sedative, and eating it can have the opposite effect and turn on sleep mode!

Tip # 1: Tense Your Muscles

Doing 20 push-ups or just trying to tense every muscle in your body as much as possible for 30 seconds is another great way to wake up.

Sure, it might not sound as fancy as having another cup of coffee (and people might look at you like you’re a little crazy), but it works! Therefore, put caution aside and start tensing your muscles.

Extra Tip:

For an absolutely glamorous look, being full of energy is not enough. In addition to tears and sedative effects, onions provide excellent skincare due to their high nutrient content.

This is why using an onion really rejuvenates the skin, especially the hands in winter (when they require special treatment).

Try this special super fast hand mask to help nourish the sensitive skin on your hands and make them extremely soft.

The recipe: cut 1 onion bulb into small pieces, make a juice, mix it with a little honey and apply it to your hands. Wait 10 minutes and wash with cold water.

Some of these tricks may seem like a lot of fun at first, but try to focus on their effectiveness. We hope they help you increase your energy levels and feel and look much fresher in a short period of time.

But of course, if getting over-fatigue becomes a daily routine, you need to take more serious action, like going to the doctor and rethinking your work-life balance.

If you haven’t tried it yet, it’s time to do it. Share your results with us in the comments.