Everyone knows that our perception of ourselves is different from how other people see us. Many women are very critical of their own appearance and try to change many things in their appearance.
But huge eyes, long legs, and full lips are not necessarily the most important criteria for beauty.
We discovered some fascinating facts about female attractiveness. After reading this article, your opinion about how you look and how attractive you think you are can change … for the better!
Women With Blonde Hair Attract More Attention

Many studies show that blonde women are invited to dance and chat more often than other women. Women with blonde hair should know: nature has already given you a bonus, so changing your hair color will not make it more attractive.
But anyone with black, brown, or red hair doesn’t have to feel bad about it – the secret to attractiveness isn’t just hair color. Keep reading this article and you will discover many other interesting things.
It’s The Shape Of The Breasts That Matters More, Not The Size

There is a stereotype that says that the bigger the breasts, the more attractive the woman is. But, in fact, it is not true.
Studies show that medium-sized breasts are considered the most attractive and their shape is very important. Appearing breasts don’t have to be huge to look attractive.
Pleasant Smells Increase The Attractiveness Of One’s Face
Perfume is not only a way to be different and for everyone to know you, but it is also a way to make yourself more attractive.
In a study conducted by the Monell Chemical Senses Center, men and women were asked to rate photographs of women.
During the experiment, the researchers diffused the aromas of fish oil and rose oil in different proportions. When the pleasant smell of rose oil took over, respondents ranked the photos first.
If you want to use this knowledge in your daily life, you should know that very strong smells can have the opposite effect to what you intended, so be careful with them.
If A Face Looks Young, The Body’s Shape Matters Less

Mothers know what they do when they teach their daughters how to take care of their skin when they are little. Studies have shown that female attractiveness is highly dependent on the youthful appearance of their face.
This is due to the fact that a young face indicates to other people that the woman is healthy and has a good reproductive system.
Beautiful Legs Attract Just As Much Attention As Breasts And Buttocks Do

The breasts are not the most attractive part of a woman’s body. This may sound crazy, but it is true: many women think that their legs are the most attractive part of the body.
And they say that if the breasts and buttocks are a loud cry, the legs are a silent whisper.
High Female Voices Are More Pleasant To Listen To
If you have a strong voice, you are already more attractive than many other women. Studies show that women with a low voice are considered dominant and less attractive.
Depending on who you are talking to and what the conversation is about, you can make your voice lower and lower to have the necessary effect.
Long Legs Aren’t As Attractive As Medium-length Legs

This will make women who do not have long legs very happy. Medium-sized legs have been found to be the most attractive. They are an important sign of good physical health.
The Spinal Curve Of The Lower Back Has A Great Effect On Attractiveness

Of course, attractive hips and buttocks are important. But there is something else that has an even greater effect on attractiveness: the curve of the spine of the lower back.
It turns out that when women are pregnant, they develop a spinal curve that is believed to be very attractive.
What is the most important beauty criterion for you? Let us know in the comment section below.