Most of us cannot understand how many amazing things happen in just 24 hours. For some living things, this is a lifetime and we don’t even notice they’re there. For us at
That seems to be the perfect reason to enjoy our lives every day.
Every day, 365,000 new human beings arrive on our planet.
About 18 million people celebrate their birthdays.
There will be 8.6 million lightning strikes.
Each tree will provide enough oxygen for two inhabitants of the planet.
142,000 new cars will come off the conveyor belt. If they were parked one after the other, they would stretch all the way from Berlin to Stuttgart, or about 512 kilometers.
People in China will harvest 510,000 tons of rice.
The world’s chickens will lay 190 million eggs.
The world’s inhabitants will wash the bathroom 22 billion times. This is enough water for half of the world’s population to bathe.

40,000 trees will be cut to make paper bags and another 27,000 will be cut to make toilet paper.
On average, each of us will laugh 15 times.
Your heart will beat 104,000 times.
On average, each person earns $ 16.
Astronauts on the International Space Station sneeze about 100 times because zero-gravity dust floats around in the air rather than gathers on surfaces.
Each person will inhale 23,000 times.
93,000 rats will be born in London alone.
150-200 different types of plants, insects, birds, and mammals will become extinct due to ecological damage.
Each of us will take, on average, 8,000 steps.
Each bat eats 1,000 insects.

There will be 7 separate earthquakes and 18,000 storms worldwide.
Each person will spend about 12 minutes in the shower.
Our bodies will lose and reproduce up to 50 trillion cells.
On average, each person spends 20 minutes in the bathroom.
Your hair will grow 0.35mm. At the same time, you will lose 40 to 100 hairs.
Each of us will say about 48,000 words.
15 million cigarettes will be sold worldwide.
A mayfly will live out its entire life.