Reverse psychology is an effective method you can use to get others to say or do what you want. Just tell them the exact opposite of what you want. Sounds tempting, right?

We have put together 10 tips to help you master this technique. And whatever you do, please, don’t like this article and don’t share it either.

11. This method is most effective with people who are resilient by nature and hate hearing what to do.

10. Emotional, overly confident, and irritable people are also susceptible to reverse psychology.

9. Challenge the other person by insisting on an argument contrary to what you want to achieve. Try to make the person believe that they are making their own decision.

8. Stay calm while using reverse psychology, especially if you use it with children.

10 Tips To Master The Art of Reverse Psychology

7. Make sure you keep your end goal in mind.

6. Say the opposite of what you really want and keep your voice calm.

5. When trying to attract someone who just wants to be friends, tell them that you agree and that you only want their friendship.

4. You can also use it as a challenge: “I bet you won’t be able to make it on time!”

3. Make sure it sounds convincing and practice it beforehand.

2. Be careful who you use this technique with and avoid using it in serious situations. Reverse psychology can backfire if not used correctly, so never go too far or overuse it, or you will quickly become known as a manipulator.

1. Finally, we invite you to watch the following video, where you can see reverse psychology in its purest form.