We can all feel insecure or uncertain when starting new relationships, wondering if anyone really likes us. None of us are mind readers, but our bodies and psychology can tell. Fortunately, there are some signs that clearly answer this question and can subtly let us know how someone really feels about us.
We want you to feel comfortable and confident in your relationships. Therefore, we share these little-known signs to watch out for in new relationships.
The Direction Of Their Feet:

If their feet are facing you, it can show that they are interested. “Open body language is an indication that someone is curious and attentive to you,” says licensed therapist Shamyra Howard. Other signs may include leaning toward you with relaxed shoulders and uncrossed arms.
Whether You Can See Their Hands:
When someone is comfortable around you, you can usually see their hands. This can be a great indicator that a partner feels safe and connected to you.
The 2-direction Head Tilt:

If your crush tilts their head to the side when they hear you speak, that could be a good sign. Head tilt can show that they are curious and tuned in.
Their Hands Are Clammy:
We might assume this just means someone is hot or sweaty, but it could actually mean nervousness. Being nervous is a sign that he might be interested in you and doesn’t want to spoil anything, which is a good sign that he cares!
They Stumble Over Their Words:

Another way for someone to reveal that they are nervous is to trip over their words, especially if they are usually confident or the center of attention. “When you know they’re not normally awkward, but they’re being awkward and can’t form sentences around you, that can be a sign of interest,” says one relationship expert.
They Stand Or Sit Close To You:
If they’re inches away from you in situations where you’re together, they may not be able to resist the urge to get as close to you as possible. If he’s not afraid of closeness and makes his desire clear (but not in a scary way), that’s probably a good sign.
They Rock A Toothy Smile:

Many of us stop smiling in a way that shows our front teeth around the age of 5, unless we’re super happy. So when they’re having a great time, look for the teeth. If they are really happy, they don’t bother to cover their front teeth when they smile.
They Lock Eyes With Your Full Face:
Uninterrupted eye contact can make people uncomfortable these days. So if their eyes spend most of their time moving between your eyes, nose, and lips, that means they’re on you.
Is there anything you would add to this list? How do you rate how someone feels about you? Share your tips in the comments.