Chances are, most of us, at one point or another, have noticed those little stickers found on fruits. In addition to the bright logos they have, there is also a digital PLU code (or price look-up code).
It turns out that fruit growers are not only trying to advertise here but are also giving us important consumer information. We decided to tell you how to understand what these numbers mean and the secrets they contain.
A Four-digit Code Beginning With The Number 3 Or 4

If there are only four numbers on the label, it means that the fruit (or vegetable) was produced with the help of modern agronomic techniques, including copious amounts of fertilizers and pesticides.
A Five-digit Code Beginning With The Number 8

When you see this patch, the fruit has been genetically modified as part of the growing process. Yes, it is correct. This is the GM food that continues to cause so much controversy.
Research shows that melon, banana, and papaya are the most frequently genetically modified types of fruit.
A Five-digit Code Beginning With The Number 9

If you see this type of code, it means that the fruit was grown using the ancient growing methods of our ancestors: with their own hands and without chemicals. They are organic products.
If The Fruit Has No PLU Code

Most people try to find fruit without stickers. But it can be dangerous: fruits imported from abroad should always be labeled this way.
If there is no label, it was likely removed for a specific reason, and it is unlikely to be of benefit to you as a consumer.
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