Left-handed people with a college education earn 10-15% more than their right-handed counterparts, according to a 2006 study by researchers from Lafayette College and Johns Hopkins University.

Being only about 10% of the total population, there is something exceptional about them: incredible people like Leonardo da Vinci, Bill Gates, Aristotle, and Marie Curie are left-handed.

We discovered some surprising facts about left-handed people and what makes them really special.

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A Genius Is More Likely To Be A Lefty

Left-handed people are more likely to be geniuses. No wonder Albert Einstein was left-handed. Although left-handed people make up only 10% of the entire population, 20% of all members of MENSA, the oldest and largest society of high-IQ people, considered themselves left-handed.

Lefties Make Better Artists

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Research published in the American Journal of Psychology suggests that lefties have the upper hand when it comes to creativity.

The study shows that they are better at exploring various ready-made solutions to the problem.

A study by The Left-Handers’ Club (a pro-left group dedicated to left-handed research) with more than 2,000 left-handed, right-handed and ambidextrous participants found that left-handers tend to be drawn more to careers in the arts, music, sports, and information technology fields.

They Have An Advantage In Sports

Lefties are in an advantageous position in individual sports such as tennis, badminton, and boxing. In his book, The Puzzle of Left-Handedness, linguist Rik Smits explains that right- and left-handed athletes often train against right-handed opponents.

Therefore, when right-handed players face a left-handed opponent, they are not prepared. On the other hand, the southpaw is prepared for a right-handed opponent.

They Make Good Fighters

In a 2005 French study, researchers found that left-handed people made up only about 3% of the population in peaceful societies, while their number reached 27% in war zones.

Scientists posit that the reason behind this discrepancy is the fact that lefties have a physical advantage over righties due to their unexpected left hook.

How many lefties do you know? Do you agree with the points described above? If you are left-handed, leave a comment below and share this article with your friends.