Studying is hard. You have to work hard, and you’re not always sure it will pay off. It can be easy to get discouraged when things don’t go your way or when you don’t understand something at first. But if you study the right way, there is no limit to how much knowledge you can gain! Here are some tips for studying smarter:

Staying focused will take you a long way.

Staying focused is a skill you can develop, but it takes time and practice. The more you practice being focused, the better at it you will become. Here are some tips for staying focused:

Set aside an hour each day where no electronics are allowed. If there aren’t any distractions during this time period (e.g., friends who want to hang out), then everything should be fine!

Turn off all notifications on your phone so that nothing interrupts what’s happening in class or homework when someone texts/messages/calls/tweets at 3 pm sharp with information about their weekend plans that don’t pertain directly back to these subjects they’re studying right now (or ever).

The notes you take in class are more important than your textbook.

Your notes are your best friend. They’ll help you remember what you learned in class, and they’ll also be a great way to understand what you read in your textbook.

When taking notes, always write down key terms or concepts being taught by the professor or teacher. Make sure that these things are clear and easy to understand before moving on with other information that may seem less important at first glance (but could actually be useful later).

You should also keep track of any questions that arise while reading through the text—these might come up during quizzes or tests!

Be organized.

Use a planner or calendar to keep track of your schedule. Create a folder for important papers, and make sure you get them back on time.

Organize your notes by topic or by class. If you like to write in different ways (like bullet points), choose how you want them organized so that they’re easy for you to find later when writing papers or studying for tests!

Pay attention to the components of your grade. Know what your teacher is looking for, and what the standards are for the course you’re taking.

Spend time every day doing some type of homework.

One of the most important things you can do to be a better student is to spend time every day doing some type of homework. The more time you spend on your education, the better your grades will be.

In order to get good at anything, it takes dedication and effort. If you want to become an expert in something like cooking or tennis, then there is no way around it: You have got to go out and practice every day.

But if all this seems overwhelming or unlikely for someone who doesn’t enjoy studying as much as others do (or even at all), try setting aside 15 minutes before bed each night with pen in hand writing down whatever comes into mind about what exactly makes up “schoolwork.”

Don’t study or do homework at home.

One of the most common mistakes students make is staying in their room and studying. Not only is it a bad idea to study at home, but it can also be distracting from other things you should be doing instead—like going out with friends or watching TV.

There are many reasons why you shouldn’t study at home:

You’re more likely to get distracted by anything around you (e.g., your family members) than if you were in a quieter place where there are fewer distractions and people around who may want to talk about what they’ve been up to all day long!

When we sit still for long periods of time without moving much (like when we’re trying hard not only to focus on our homework but also complete it), our bodies become tired quickly and start making mistakes when typing because they don’t know how much longer they’ll have before having enough energy left over after finishing up today’s workload.”

Plan out your classwork and homework before doing it.

Plan out your classwork and homework before doing it. Set aside time to do homework each day.

Make sure you have enough time to do all of your homework, especially if it’s a big project or assignment that requires lots of research or writing. If you’re running late, leave an extra hour in the end so that you can finish up on time without feeling rushed.

This will help keep you from getting behind in your studies by making sure everything is done properly!

Make a schedule and stick with it as closely as possible.

Make a schedule and stick with it as closely as possible.

Don’t be afraid of failure, or success. You can’t succeed if you’re not willing to fail; if this sounds too easy for you, try rolling up your sleeves and getting down in the trenches! The only way to learn is through experimentation and trial and error—and that includes making mistakes along the way (so don’t skip over them).

Stay flexible: changes happen every day in college life so don’t let rigid schedules freeze everything into place!

You can study the right way.

  • Don’t cram.
  • Don’t procrastinate.
  • Be honest with yourself and ask for help when you need it, even if it means going to the library or printing out a study guide online instead of buying one at the store (or spending $20 on an Uber ride). Those little luxuries will make a big difference in your ability to focus and stay on track, especially when there’s so much pressure on us as students!


Remember, your goal is to be a better student. You can do it! Remember to just keep at it, and soon enough you’ll see the results in your grades and overall confidence. Don’t forget that this is just one of many things that will help you become the best version of yourself!