Everyone wants something different out of their relationships. You may want to be with a partner who’s fun, exciting, and keeps you on your toes. Or maybe you want someone who makes you feel safe, secure, and supported every day.
Still, other people want companionship or they’re looking for a soul mate. Some people just like to have sex a lot! What matters most is that your relationship gives you what makes sense for both parties involved: love, romance, and connection — all sides of the same coin of happiness.
Be honest about what you want.
When it comes to relationships, the most important thing is honesty. If you’re not being honest with yourself and your partner, then the relationship isn’t going to work out very well in the long run. So here are a few things that you should keep in mind when deciding what type of relationship you want:
Be realistic about what can happen in a healthy relationship. For example: “I don’t expect to get married or have kids right away,” or “I’m open-minded enough now that I’m willing to try anything once.” This way, no one feels pressured into something they aren’t ready for yet—and everyone knows exactly where things stand from day one!
Share your expectations and desires.
- Be honest about what you want.
- Share your expectations and desires.
- Talk about love and romance.
- Discuss what you want from your life (and not just the relationship).
You can also set goals together, like learning to cook or taking a cooking class, or doing volunteer work at an animal shelter, or trying out new foods together (or all of these things!).
Talk about love and romance.
One thing to remember is that there are many ways to express your love and romance. You may want to focus on being with someone who shares the same interests, or you might want to spend more time with them.
You may even find it helpful if they understand some of your fears or anxieties so that they can help ease those feelings away.
You should also consider what kind of life partner you’re looking for, as well as how long-term this relationship will be. If you don’t know where exactly these ideas fit into place yet (or if it feels like they don’t), then talk about them!
Talking about issues openly can lead people down paths that could change their lives forever—and it’s good practice anyway because everyone needs friends who listen without judging or making assumptions based solely on appearance alone.”
Discuss what you want from your life.
It’s important to talk about what you want from your life. For example, “I don’t know what I want from my life” is a bad answer because it gives the impression that there’s nothing wrong with your situation and it might give the other person reason to believe that they can help you figure out what you’re looking for.
The best way to start a discussion about this topic is by asking questions like “What do you see as being important in your future?” or “What are some things that would make being single worthwhile?”
You should also try asking yourself these questions before meeting people so that when someone asks them, their answers will sound more credible and genuine than if they had been sitting around thinking about them all day long without any guidance or direction.
Set goals together.
Set goals together.
Be realistic, but also be ambitious and focused on the future.
Aim for measurable results, not just an ideal outcome or vague wish list of things that might happen if you have a relationship with someone (“I want my partner to be there for me when I need them.”).
Aim for achievable goals that can be achieved within a specific amount of time (e.g., by next Monday!). If your goal is ten years away, then it’s probably going to take ten years—so make sure it fits into your schedule! Don’t forget: they need their own stuff too; if they don’t have enough resources or support from family members/friends then things might get difficult quickly!
Show each other gratitude and appreciation.
The next step is to show each other gratitude and appreciation.
It’s easy to forget that people do things for us all the time without even thinking about it, so it’s important to make a point of thanking them when they do something nice or helpful. This can be as simple as saying “thank you” before they leave the room, or sending an email with a quick note of thanks after someone has gone above and beyond for you.
The more effort people put into things, the more deserving of gratitude they should be!
Hopefully, we have given you some good tips for figuring out what kind of relationship you’d like to have. As we said at the start of this article, relationships are about more than just being with someone; they are about caring for that person and being cared for in return.
It takes time to get to know someone, but once you do there’s no better feeling than knowing that your partner understands where you’re coming from. A good way to get yourself into a great place is by taking care of yourself before starting a new relationship (and vice versa), so make sure both parties do their part on this!