Relationships, especially marriage, aren’t just about unicorns and wonderful things, they’re also about storms, and that’s important too. But we all know that after the darkest of times, there will be a beautiful rainbow on the horizon. After a fight, we notice the little things about our spouses and learn to love and appreciate their flaws every day.
We’ve collected some tips from people on how to make a married life filled with true love and care last longer.

My partner and I did not let things get worse. Let’s talk about it and know that it’s important that we both assume the role that we play. We apologize, we say sorry, and try to show our love often to connect when life makes things hectic. © Throwawaytohideaway2 / Reddit
Go to bed together at the same time as much as possible. That together time at bedtime where you both catch up on each other’s day is invaluable. © Odd-Tangelo7047 / Reddit

I asked my grandmother if someone always has more weight and responsibilities on their shoulders, and she said yes, but “it’s okay. Sometimes it will be on you, but then you have to change your partner. And you do it forever. Sometimes it’s you, sometimes it’s them. But the weight will always be on one of you, and if you can share it, everything will be fine.” She then talked about how much she still loves Grandpa and how cute he is. © lu***plant / Reddit
Shared Google Keep lists on each other’s phones have been huge. Shopping lists, to-do lists, hardware store lists. You think of something, you put it on the list. © armspawn / Reddit

The next big thing after getting a king-size bed is getting separate blankets. No need to play tug of war every night. © nomnommish / Reddit
A king bed is a good start. Try the single duvets below. And, the best marriage advice of all: go to bed angry. Don’t keep fighting overnight, as the two of you become more irrational. Most of the time, the two of you wake up and say, “well, that argument was silly.” © ultrahello / Reddit

Almost 10 years of marriage here, and happy about it. On my wedding day, my youth pastor, who I grew up with and who officiated at our wedding, pulled me aside and gave me the best advice I’ve ever received. “You can be right, or you can be happy. You will never be both again. © Negativedge_ / Reddit
Do you have any secrets or tips for long-term relationships? Have you tried any of these suggestions? Did it work? Tell us in the comments.
Preview photo credit Suspicious Partner / Studio S, t480 / Reddit