Most of us use lies from time to time to avoid difficult situations and hide our feelings or intentions. However, lying always has a price, while the truth is priceless. Here are some reasons why you should always be honest:

The truth will always appear, so when you lie, you are just “buying time”, but it will probably be worse when it is revealed that you lied too.

You will feel better about yourself if you are honest and open.

Others may trust you and trust is the foundation of all relationships.

Others will seek your honest opinion and advice.

You will not have to remember and maintain a web of lies. The lies often lead to more lies to cover up the initial lies, creating a vicious cycle.

Lying is an easy way out, being honest you learn to face difficult or uncomfortable situations and to grow as a person.

Since we’ve established that it’s best, to be honest, here are some tips on how to avoid the temptation to lie:

Bit the bullet: honesty is more difficult, otherwise we would not resort to lies. Gather your courage and step forward with the truth; others will appreciate it.

Prepare yourself: follow through with the truth, without thinking too much about all the possible negative outcomes.

Have faith in other people: We generally assume that they will not understand or accept the truth.
Put yourself in the other person’s shoes: do you prefer to be lied to?

Prepare your words and yourself: Being honest does not mean being impolite or impolite. Think about what and how you are going to say things. You still need to be diplomatic and kind to avoid hurting the other person’s feelings.

Convince yourself that it is better, to be honest: if you do not believe, you will resort to lying as soon as the situation starts to turn negative.

See this as an opportunity to develop: Open and honest communication are valuable personal skills for your personal and professional life. So every situation you can practice it will make you better!