Albert Einstein’s IQ is 170, Stephen Hawking’s is 160, Ashton Kutcher’s is 160, and Natalie Portman is 140 years old. It seems that smart people don’t have any problems and are really happy.

But, as we found out, happiness is rare among extraordinarily intelligent people and we are exploring why in this article.

We love exploring the problems that continue to bother many people. Just for you, we find out why smart people often feel lonely, unhappy, and lost.

6. They Tend To Overanalyze Things


People with high IQs tend to continually analyze events in their lives. Over time, this exhausts them because their discoveries are often fraught with fear and disappointment, and real dilemmas arise in their heads.

Writer and trainer Robert Taibbi recommends learning to accept your right to make mistakes, acknowledge them, and allow others to make mistakes as well.

People have flaws, so we shouldn’t turn this into a tragedy by criticizing or gossiping. It will be much better to draw conclusions and move on.

5. They Are Too Demanding Of Themselves And Others

Smart people clearly know what they want. They often look at the world in an idealistic way and find it difficult to give up their expectations.

This prevents them from receiving satisfaction in life and feeling happy, and the reality of the world around them often brings only disappointment.

In his book “True Happiness,” Martin Seligman, a psychologist at the University of Pennsylvania, calls for a daily “exercise of gratitude”.

Just remember the things and events that make you grateful. This will distract you from negative thoughts and help you see many other things.

Or try keeping a journal of the things you are grateful for and make sure to write down what you have (family, health, friends, education, and freedom) in it every day.

4. They Lack A Warm And Friendly Relationship


Everyone wants to experience understanding in a close relationship. But it is very difficult for intelligent people to speak openly with an interlocutor, as they are often misunderstood.

They want to talk about important and significant events and they are rarely accepted and understood.

According to scientists, socializing for people with a high IQ is often a more painful experience than loneliness.

Try to reconsider your surroundings and get rid of the people who drag you to the “bottom” or empty you internally. Find ways to meet new people whose company you aspire to.

Thank your family members who love you sincerely – this is the best way to get rid of the feeling of unhappiness, according to psychologist David G. Myers.

3. They Suffer From Psychological Problems

Numerous scientific works confirm that intellectuals tend to suffer from mental disorders. Scientists have not been able to find a direct dependency here, but the fact remains.

The habit of constant analysis leads to frequent reflections on life, death, and the meaning of existence. In most cases, all of this leads to depression.

The solution? Help others more often, even strangers. Studies have shown that people who support others experience a sense of inner harmony much more often than those who ignore other people’s problems.

Also, this is a great excuse to ignore constant reflections and dark thoughts.

2. They Seek To Meet The Expectations Of Others

Your academic success leads to even higher expectations for others. This burden often turns out to be an unbearable burden, especially for gifted children who are deprived of childhood from an early age.

“Excessive autofocus and anxiety about how we look into the eyes of others prevent us from living and having fun. Try to treat learning and work as a game: get fully involved in the process and try not to get caught up in the result.” advises well-known psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi.

1. They Rarely Make Rational Decisions

As the study showed, in their daily lives, intellectuals make as many mistakes as anyone else. “People with above-average IQs commit irrational actions and are more prone to deception and rely on intuition,” the authors of the study claim.

Scientist Igor Grossman of the University of Waterloo suggests that these people should talk about their problems in the third person to emotionally distance themselves, reduce prejudice, and reach wiser conclusions.

What do you think? Does high intelligence only bring trouble or is it really useful? Tell us your opinion in the comments.